DaCotah Collier, West Florida, has volunteered in four states in just a few years serving as District Director for Eta
Upsilon at West Florida, Gamma Tau at Southern Mississippi and most recently as Assistant District Director at Mu Chi at Colorado-Colorado
Springs. She also served as an alumni chapter officer for Atlanta, Birmingham and Pensacola Alumni Chapters! Between all of her moves, she loves to know that she has given back to the Fraternity in any way she is able. Of course, she may have never
gotten involved without the encouragement from a fellow brother. “Kyle Bischoff was a guiding light in my journey of becoming a District Director. He believed in me, when sometimes I didn’t believe in myself, and encouraged me to be the
best leader I could possibly be. I would not be the volunteer leader today without his insight and knowledge of the Fraternity. I will be forever grateful of him taking the chance on me.” DaCotah has also gained invaluable skills and had many
networking opportunities while in the Fraternity. “I enjoy being able to be an advisor for collegiate students to help them throughout their early careers through the chapter and transitioning into the business world. It also keeps me up-to-date
with what collegiate members are expecting of the professional world. Ultimately, we can gain as much from the collegiate brothers as they gain from us in terms of experience and knowledge!” Collier (third from left) is pictured with members
from Colorado-Colorado Springs after giving a presentation at a LEAD event in Seattle.
One word to describe how volunteering makes her feel: Happy.
If you are interested in a volunteer opportunity, fill out a Volunteer Interest Form here.