BEST is an area handling compensation, which is one of the departments in the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA).
The VBA is best described as helping veterans and their families buy homes, earn degrees, start careers and more.
In May 2023, Amy was recognized as Civil Servant of the Year in the Excellence Beyond Expectations category by the Federal Executive Board of Minnesota. She received the honor for being deeply committed to her work and demonstrating dedication to provide
excellent service and professionalism to the organization.
Brother Briggs is one of eight on her team, which does quality reviews, training for the new hires, ongoing training for the division, mentoring of new hires, analyzes trends and helps any employees that need additional assistance. To her, the most important
part of the job is being able to help fellow veterans and this recognition shows her dedication to that goal. She started with Veterans Affairs in 2012 after retiring from the Army Reserve. “Serving and helping veterans like me is amazing. Like
any job there are days when things don’t go your way, but most days, I love what I do.”
She received the award for her work in the BEST Division during 2022, which included volunteering to lead in supporting new-hire onboarding for 23 employees, developing a training schedule, creating lesson plans and updating course materials. Briggs supervisor
described her as always putting in “the extra effort to get to know and connect with everyone on a personal level, building a culture where they feel comfortable asking questions and taking pride in knowing that they have all the necessary tools
to be successful.”
Amy sees this work as not just a reflection of her, but her team. She said she was only “able to do everything my supervisor talked about because my teammates supported me and covered me in other areas of our job…. It’s nice to be recognized,
however I am part of a team. I may have been the one nominated, standing there and with my name on the plaque, but I did not do it alone.”
Briggs attended the award ceremony with Meagan Hagerty, Wisconsin-La Crosse, as her guest. When asked about her favorite Deltasig memory, she said, “I have too many to pick from and many of them include Meagan. Maybe that’s my favorite
part. The people I have met. The Fraternity has afforded me the opportunity to meet some amazing people that I am very fortunate to be able to call my friends.”
Congrats, Amy!