Congratulations to Brother Ibe, Prichard and Stark!
Nov 16, 2023 –
Onuka Ibe, Wayne Prichard, and Erin Stark were recently awarded their Silver Helmets during a private event in Kirksville, MO.
Onuka Ibe,
Truman State (MO), was initiated into Iota Nu in November 1996. In 2013, Onuka became the first Black and

African Grand President, serving until 2017, followed by board service as a Past Grand President until 2021. Onuka led the design of the award-winning Presidents’ Academy and has attended over 120 national events, including 15 Grand Chapter
Congresses, presenting education and leadership sessions at many of them. He is a strong supporter of the Delta Sigma Pi Leadership Foundation, serving as a Trustee from 2013-2021 and achieving the Benefactor Lifetime Giving Level. He and his wife,
Michelle, launched the Fraternity’s first scholarship fund for Black Deltasigs. Onuka has also served as Northeastern Provincial Vice President, Ritual Task Force Chair, the 2003 GCC Chancellor, a member of the national DEI Task Force, on several
national and regional committees, and as District Director for Iota Nu at Truman State (MO), Iota Rho at Howard (DC), Chi at Johns Hopkins (MD) and Iota Kappa at James Madison (VA). Professionally, Onuka is partner at La Piana Consulting, providing
strategy, leadership and merger support to nonprofits and foundations.
Wayne Prichard, Truman State (MO), was initiated in November 1996 and served in multiple leadership roles for Iota Nu. Wayne graduated in May 2001 and was recognized with Truman State’s Outstanding Student in Business
Management and Outstanding President for Large Organizations awards. Fraternally, Wayne was selected as the 2001 Delta Sigma Pi Midwestern Collegian of the Year. Most importantly, Wayne also met his future wife Diana during this culminating year
at Truman State. As an alumni member, he has served as a District Director for Rockhurst (MO), Missouri State, and Washington-St. Louis. In 2009, he was awarded the Gateway Regional District Director of the Year. Wayne has served on the National Scholastic Development
and Awards Committee and the National and Marketing & Communications Committee and has attended more than 20 national events. He has also presented sessions at numerous LEAD events and Grand Chapter Congresses. Most recently, Wayne serves
as a facilitator at the Delta Sigma Pi Presidents’ Academy. Wayne is a supporter of the Leadership Foundation and is recognized at the Cornerstone level of giving. Professionally, he has been a leader in the food and beverage industry for over 20 years and recently retired after selling his restaurant in St.
Louis. Wayne is now the owner of the WDCE group of companies focusing on travel, hospitality, transportation, and online content creation. Wayne currently resides in Kirkwood, MO with his wife of nearly 20 years and their two children Cade and Evie.
Erin Stark, Truman State (MO), has served as District Director for Washington-St. Louis and Truman State (MO). During her time as a District Director, she won the South Central Provincial District Director of the Year. She
also served as President and District Director for the Kansas City Alumni Chapter. Erin has been a member of the Professional Development and Foundation Selection Team committees. Brother Stark has attended more than 19 events including nine Grand
Chapter Congresses. She is a supporter of the Leadership Foundation and recognized at the Architect level of giving. Professionally, Erin works as a benefits manager at Magellan Health.