Deltasigs demonstrate their commitment to service and inclusive leadership by participating in and hosting outstanding events. Check out these spotlights for a look into chapters’ activities!
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Lindenwood (MO) handed out candy at a Trunk or Treat event for Boys and Girls Club in their community.
Albany (NY)and
Siena (NY) teamed up to clean Little Lake in their community.

For Make a Difference Day, Washington-Bothell created cards of encouragement for the local Asian Counseling and Referral Services.
St. Thomas (MN) toured Nordstrom and heard about their mission statement, company values, departments they run, store strategies and their internship programs.

Louisiana State held a professional event with Faulk & Winkler and learned tips for how to be successful in the workplace.
South Carolina had a blast at a Charleston beach clean-up community service event.