Opportunities to Give 

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The Leadership Foundation needs your support to continue the mission of providing leadership education, professional development training, and scholarships. These opportunities make a difference in the lives of students and Delta Sigma Pi alumni and have an incredible and ongoing impact on our institutions, businesses, and communities.

Define the Direction of Your Philanthropy

When you give to the Leadership Foundation, you define the direction of your philanthropy. Choose the program that you want to support, and enjoy the satisfaction of seeing your tax-deductible gift make a difference.
  • Deltasig For Life Donor – Every gift of any size has an impact. Deltasig For Life Donors see how everyone can be a philanthropist and make a significant cumulative difference in the world through their ongoing giving. Collegiate Deltasigs can be philanthropists, too. Every pledge, collegian, or startup group member can commit to a lifestyle of giving back.

  • Annual Donors – Cumulative and annual giving garners recognition by giving level and membership in Delta Sigma Pi societies for lifelong philanthropists.

  • Funds and Endowments  – Give to specific funds, endowments, or targeted programs to further a particular fund or project you value.

  • Living Legacy Society – Planned giving helps you to save on estate taxes and leave a philanthropic legacy for the future.

  • Matching Gifts  – Many employers match or even multiply employee gifts to the Leadership Foundation. A matching gift is a great way to extend the reach of your charitable giving.

  • Stocks and Securities – A gift of stock or closely held securities benefits you as well as the Foundation, by providing you with an income tax deduction and eliminating capital gains tax on any appreciation in value. Contact the Foundation to find out more about this option.