Santa Claus, Inc. has been aiding families since 1952. They operate year-round to provide essential needs for over 100,000 children including new toys, clothing, shoes, socks, books, coats,
quilts, school supplies, personal care kits and numerous other items through their Community Cares Program. This year’s Make A Difference Day event included sorting donations, cleaning the warehouse, assembling doll houses and trimming Christmas
trees. Deltasigs also donated $500 for fleece to create 150 blankets. Forty-five brothers, potential new members and guests from California-Irvine, Chapman (CA), Pepperdine (CA), Orange County (CA) and Inland Empire (CA) came to participate in the
service activities.
“We are grateful for our 20-year partnership with Delta Sigma Pi,” said Karen DiCarlo, president of Santa Claus, Inc. “The students have made a significant impact on our ability to succeed in our mission. We appreciate that we can consistently
count on them to help prepare for our annual distribution through Make A Difference Day.”
Kelly Rupp, Pacific (CA), is president of the Inland Empire Alumni Chapter and said the chapter enjoys offering service events for members in her area. “Make A Difference Day has become a defining event for us every year and we enjoy working
with Santa Claus, Inc. and collegiate and alumni chapters to make it happen.”