As brothers return to campus, they continue to show their dedication to service and lifelong learning inside and outside the classroom by attending remarkable events and brotherhood bonding. Check out these spotlights for a look into Deltasig chapters’ activities!
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The Iota Pi chapter looks forward to being back on campus, hosting service events and bonding with brothers and best friends.
Gamma Iota brothers reflect on study abroad experiences while learning international management tips in Europe.
Brothers of Alpha Beta discuss why Delta Sigma Pi provides valuable networking opportunities, professional development and lifelong friendships through their #WhyDSPWednesday series.
The Kappa Tau chapter celebrates being back on campus with their brothers and best friends!
Upsilon brothers look forward to classes starting by hosting a booth on Business Quad Day at the University of Illinois.
Brothers of the Kappa chapter started the first week of classes by joining the Pi chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi, providing meals for those in need and serving a community that's bigger
than ourselves.
Rho Upsilon celebrates brothers furthering a higher standard on campus by recognizing their resident advisors.
Brothers of Omega Pi set the perfect example of service and brotherhood by assisting the Class of 2028 on move-in day.