Mail Votes Not Previously Reported:
- Approved Lambda Mu (Pacific) suspension for 90 days or until the institution lifts the suspension of the chapter and the Grand President, Western Provincial Vice President and Executive Director have developed and prepared probation terms to release the chapter from Fraternity suspension.
Minutes in Seconds from July 10-11, 2022 Board Meeting:
- Accepted 2020 National Collegian of the Year Cody Vasquez and Director of Chapter Services Tyler Havens into the Golden Council.
- National Organizational Development Committee Chair Crystal Justice reviewed current status of our Strategic Priorities and new online reporting to track Fraternity progress.
- DEI Task Force Chair Andrew Bare reviewed the DEI Strategic Alignment White Paper and how the Fraternity can apply a DEI lens when making decisions. Board will have further conversations at September meeting based on further feedback.
- Amended 2022-23 Special Projects Budget to include $34,000 that was not spent on computer hardware in 2021-22.
- VPF Jodi Schoh led discussion about university environment, including the following facts:
- Students are not engaging like they used to.
- Smaller universities are getting smaller and larger universities are getting larger.
- Trend of fewer international students affect university revenues.
- Focus of faculty is changing.
- Board instructed staff to continue researching targeted Pacific Northwest expansion. Anticipating inclusion in 2023-24 Budget.
- Approved concurrent 90-day suspensions for Eta Psi (Houston) through June 12, 2023.
- National Standards Committee Chair Stephen Dominy reviewed Task Force progress and plans for focus groups during GCC and for developing resources in advance of July 2023 launch of new program.
- Associate Executive Director: Education and Events Shanda Gray reviewed all of the Fraternity’s educational offerings and their differing goals.
- National Professional Development Committee Chair Claire Roberts reviewed the professional development plans for the upcoming events. Board provided feedback to the committee regarding additional volunteer development.
- The Board is in favor of the original mission of the Presidents’ Academy, but are looking for additional tracking of outcomes to be considered while planning continues for future events.
- National Organizational Development Committee Chair Crystal Justice reported that Subject Matter Experts resources are being created for financial, marketing and recruitment SMEs. A SME will be considered for event planning. Trainings will be made available for volunteers soon. Subject Matter Experts will have short support meeting with chapters to assist and recaps will be sent out to leadership after each visit.
- Board finds value in having a focused service initiative, but is not aligned on if that should be a specific organization or broad cause. If selecting an organization, an emphasis on collaborative partnership is desired. National Community Service Committee is instructed to bring possible initiative structures (regardless of cause) for discussion in September with a formal recommendation of cause/organization brought to the January Board meeting.
- Board is to provide any additional feedback on the Chapter Awards Program White Paper, but instructs the Scholastic Development and Awards Committee to keep moving in current direction. Committee to provide in September further progress update and next steps.
- The Board’s interpretation on bylaws and proposal for the standing rules for GCC is to follow the intent of Roberts Rules in that vote counts will be based on votes cast by delegates entitled to vote. This means treating abstentions as defined in Roberts Rules to mean the act of not voting, and voting requirements to be based on those who do vote.
- Board discussed stances on individual GCC Proposals.
- Approved to include a $22,000 stipend in the 2023 GCC budget, which includes National Committee/Task Force and Provincial Committee Chairs in the DD Discount.
Minutes in Seconds from July 16, 2022 Board Meeting:
- Executive Director Jeremy Levine noted that 73 chapters missed all sessions and 23 missed part of a session. Board agreed to allow some leniency when it comes to CMP credit and Congress Reserve Fund credits, but not registration reimbursements, as a result of COVID and reasonable travel issues.
- Executive Director Jeremy Levine reviewed results of GCC proposals. Grand President Cory Stopka will send to Board a summary of the quasi-committee of the whole for further discussion and strategizing on next steps.
- Staff will research options for non-hard cover Ritual book printing and/or other options for recent approved Ritual changes.
- Voted to not move forward with two individual trials and approved to conduct one by a Board appointed committee of three individuals.
To request a copy of the full meeting minutes, please email To submit a recommendation to the Board of Directors, please complete the official recommendation form and submit it via email to the Grand President and Executive Director. Other ideas or suggestions may be sent to If you’d like to get involved in a committee,
please complete our volunteer interest form.