Deltasigs will be presented with their Helmet Awards during the Southern LEAD Provincial Conference in Orlando, FL.
Golden Helmet

Richard Featherston, North Carolina-Chapel Hill, has attended more than 35 events, including 22 Grand Chapter Congresses. He has also served on numerous committees on all levels, including the Nominations Committee, served as
Chair for the Provincial Scholastic Development and Awards Committee and also served on the New England Regional Awards committee. Brother Featherston has served as president for the Alpha Lambda Chapter, for the former Raleigh-Durham Alumni Chapter
and various other roles for the Hartford Connecticut Alumni Chapter. He served as Regional Director (now RVP) from 1985-1987, and Southern PVP from 1989-1993. He is a supporter of the Leadership Foundation, recognized at the Cornerstone level of giving.
Richard retired from working as a prepress supervisor at Trumbull Printing Company.
Silver Helmet

Kelly Rabin, Drake (IA), has served as VP-Finance for the Board of Directors from 2015-2019. During that same time as part of her role, she also served as a Leadership Foundation Trustee. She previously served as Pacific Northwest
Regional Vice President and District Director for Washington State and Washington-Bothell, during which she was named Regional District Director of the Year. Kelly has been a member of multiple Fraternity and Foundation committees including the National
Organizational Development Committee, the Fraternity’s and Leadership Foundation’s Finance Committees, the Foundation’s Investment Subcommittee and the Pacific Northwest Regional Awards Committee. Kelly has also been a member of
the Chicago and Seattle-Pacific Northwest Alumni Chapters, serving as an officer for both. Brother Rabin has attended more than 40 events and presented at multiple LEAD events. Kelly and her husband, Kevin, are strong supporters of the Leadership
Foundation recognized at the Fifth Founder level of giving. Kelly is a Building A Significant Endowment (BASE) Fund Founder, which means she is one of 19 Deltasig "Founders" who committed $25,000 each to the fund. Professionally, Brother Rabin currently
is vice-president, actuary at Hannover Re, one of the largest reinsurance groups in the world.