The Deltasig Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to a member deemed to exemplify the spirit of Delta Sigma Pi by his or her lifetime of service, support, brotherhood, and Fraternity, business, and civic involvement. The 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to Roberts at
Grand Chapter Congress in New Orleans this August.
Claire was initiated into Delta Omicron Chapter in April 1979. Her involvement with the Fraternity at the national level includes serving as the Vice President-Organization Development from 2003-2005, Western Provincial Vice President 1999-2003, Western Regional Vice President 1983-1987 and 1997-1999 and District Director for multiple chapters, including Southern California and Cal State-East Bay. Claire has also been highly involved with the Leadership Foundation, serving as an elected trustee from 2009-2015, including Vice Chair in 2014-2015. She currently chairs the Ritual Review task force and is a long-time session facilitator and Fraternal collaborator and mentor for many.
In addition to dedicating her time to the Fraternity and earning titles of Golden Council member and Trustee Emeritus, Claire is a Deltasig For Life Donor, 10K Club Member and has received the Fifth Founder recognition along with her husband Brother Mark Roberts,
San Francisco, for more than $50,000 in lifetime giving to the Delta Sigma Pi Leadership Foundation. Mark was honored with the Fraternity's Lifetime Achievement Award in 2007.
Claire currently works at Marqeta, Inc. as Vice President, Risk and Compliance. She is current president of the Lamorinda Sunrise Rotary Club, and was Club Rotarian of the Year 2013-2015.
We are very proud to have Claire as our 2017 Lifetime Achievement honoree and we hope you'll join us in celebrating her accomplishments at Grand Chapter Congress!