The Deltasig Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to a member deemed to exemplify the spirit of Delta Sigma Pi by his or her lifetime of service, support, brotherhood, and Fraternity, business and civic involvement. The 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to Kromberg at
Grand Chapter Congress in Atlanta this August.
Norm was initiated into Alpha Delta in 1981. His involvement in the Fraternity at a national level includes serving as Grand President from 1997-2001 and Leadership Foundation Trustee from 1997-2005. He has also attended nearly 20 Grand Chapter Congresses and countless LEAD Schools and Provincial Conferences.
Kromberg's fraternal dedication includes being a lifetime supporter of the Delta Sigma Pi Leadership Foundation. He has been recognized as a Fifth Founder for his lifetime of giving of more than $50,000.
According to 2017 Lifetime Achievement Honoree Claire Sammon Roberts, "Norm has never shied away from helping a fellow brother or sharing his opinion or advice, and helping his Fraternity is always his prime motivation. He will fly to almost any region at the drop of a hat to attend a Fraternity event, especially when a gathering of some of the hundreds of brothers he calls friends takes place."
We are very proud to have Norm as our 2019 Lifetime Achievement honoree and we hope you'll join us in celebrating his accomplishments at Grand Chapter Congress!