Robert Mocella Jr., Eastern Illinois, (center) was presented his Golden Helmet Award during the Denver Alumni Reception by PGP Norm Kromberg and LF EVP Tyler Wash.

Darin Katzberg, Nebraska-Lincoln, was presented his Silver Helmet Award during the Denver Alumni Reception by PGP Norm Kromberg.
Scott Brubaker, Colorado-Colorado Springs, Robert Kissel, Oklahoma State, and Laura Howell, Nevada-Las Vegas, were presented with Helmets during the Western LEAD Provincial Conference in Denver.
Robert Kissel,
Oklahoma State, has been an active member of the Denver Alumni Chapter, serving as President and Vice President between 2003 and 2007. He always made a special effort to recruit new members to the alumni chapter, finding brothers in the area and then calling or even visiting them to try and convince them to attend chapter events. Also, when the restaurant the chapter had previously met at for 20 years closed, he scouted out new locations for each meeting and invited speakers including local politicians, TV celebrities, and others to talk about their interesting professions and jobs. He also worked with local collegiate chapters to hold joint events. Bob retired at age 56, after 34 years in state government service, allowing him to invest time and money for his true passion - photography.
Robert Mocella, Jr.,
Eastern Illinois, served as a graduate advisor to Eastern Illinois after graduation and was a longtime member of the Chicago Alumni Chapter. He has attended many National events, including nine Grand Chapter Congresses, winning the Children's Prize at the 23rd Grand Chapter Congress in 1961. Bob is son of 2002 Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Bob Mocella, Sr. and nephew to Past Grand President Tom Mocella. Bob is a retired IT consultant, having worked nearly 30 years for Discover Financial Services.
Scott Brubaker,
Colorado-Colorado Springs, was a Founding member of the Mu Chi Chapter and started his alumni career as a chapter consultant at the Central Office in 1996. After leaving the staff, he served as District Director for Lewis (IL) and then became Great Lakes Regional Director earning him a spot on the Golden Council. In recent years, he has assisted Central Office staff to collect information from chapters. Scott is the director, project management office for Flintfox International in Denver.
Laura Howell,
Nevada-Las Vegas, and her husband Greg,
Pacific (CA), are strong supporters of the Delta Sigma Pi Leadership Foundation, earning them Benefactor recognition for more than $25,000. They were also Centennial Founders of the 10K Club and 2007 Centennial Society members. Laura has attended two Grand Chapter Congresses and is a member of the Denver Alumni Chapter. Laura is the chief people officer for Smalley & Company in Denver.
Darin Katzberg,
Nebraska-Lincoln, is a continual supporter of Delta Sigma Pi, giving to the Leadership Foundation consecutively over the last 17 years. He has earned recognition for the Entrepreneur Level of giving and is a member of the 2007 Centennial Society. Darin has been a District Director for Alpha Delta (Nebraska-Lincoln) and was an active member of Lincoln/Greater Nebraska Alumni Chapter serving as President, Vice President and District Director. Darin has also attended a number of events, including two Grand Chapter Congresses.