Congratulations to the winners of Delta Sigma Pi's National Awards! Our collegiate and alumni chapters have worked diligently to strengthen their connections with their brothers, institutions and larger communities as brothers wearily emerged from COVID-19 restrictions. Delta Sigma Pi appreciates all of these efforts undertaken by our brothers, and the chapters recognized as our national award winners deserve plaudits for going far above and beyond the call of duty to serve their brothers and the Fraternity. We're proud to unveil the winners! Descriptions provided for each honoree summarize Grand President Cory Stopka's presentation remarks. Watch the award winner presentation.
Individual Awards
Chapter Advisor of the Year: Gayle L. Thurman Randall
Brother Randall, Angelo State (TX), has remained involved with the Fraternity since her days as a collegiate student and diligently supported her brothers. A Silver Helmet recipient, Gayle served Delta Sigma Pi while pursuing her Ph.D. degree.
District Director of the Year: DaCotah Collier
Brother Collier, West Florida, moved during the school year, but routinely drove eight-hour round trips to serve her chapter. She played an instrumental role in helping the chapter work towards accredited chapter status for the first time since 2015.
Collegiate Chapter Awards
R. Nelson Mitchell Outstanding Collegiate Chapter: Xi Chi (Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Xi Chi added a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) VP, and conducted a series of training sessions that educate brothers about the importance of diversity and meetings with corporate representatives that emphasized DEI. The chapter nearly doubled its recruitment goal, and participated in a diverse arrray of service events, such as a Habitat for Humanity workday, making blankets for the Linus Project, and creating dog toys for their local Humane Society. Xi Chi brothers also won the school's business ethics case competition.
Tatum Award: Iota (Kansas)
The Tatum Award was determined from among Provincial Outstanding Collegiate Chapter winners and is given on the basis of a chapter's overall recruitment program, including events, how the chapter fares in achieving recruitment goals, and how thoroughly the entire chapter is engaged in recruiting.
Most Improved Chapter: Gamma Psi (Arizona)
After being placed on probation, Gamma Psi dwindled from 128 to 65 brothers. But, the remaining brothers persevered, and the chapter rebounded to 115 members. Sixty-three brothers attended the fall LEAD School, and another 51 came to spring's LEAD Provincial Conference, giving Gamma Psi more representatives than any other chapter. Gamma Psi also logged more than 400 service hours and contributed more than $8,000 to fundraising activities. Also, 100% of its brothers are in good academic standing.
Outstanding Professional Activities Award: Chi Psi (Texas-Dallas)
Chi Psi hosted eight professional-development events through both in-person and virtual gatherings, in partnership with the university's career center, which included education about financial planning and entrepreneurship, among other topics, and enhanced alumni engagement by creating a mentorship panel.
Chi Psi and the other Provincial Professional Activities Award Winners will receive Boyd Award grants, which will help fund further professional-development activities.
Outstanding Service Award: Alpha Upsilon (Miami-OH)
The chapter has partnered with numerous community organizations, including serving as mentors in the Miracle League, a baseball league for individuals with disabilities, packaging food for the Kids Coalition Against Hunger, and hosting their Michael Hayes 5K run again in-person, which serves as a fundraiser for a scholarship that assist students with terminal illnesses, a tribute to a brother who died of cancer in 2004.
Outstanding Financial Operations Award: Epsilon (Iowa)
This chapter has long set aside a small portion of its revenue every semester to help prepare for contingencies and major projects. Epsilon's fiscal responsibility helped it subsidize professional development trips to Chicago and Kansas City for more than 100 brothers, as well as various career fairs and related events. The chapter created a 20-member committee to brainstorm fundraising and hosted 11 revenue generating events during the year. Epsilon posted an annual profit of $3,700.
Outstanding Alumni Relations Award: Kappa Lambda (Binghamton)
The chapter has diligently included alumni with its career development events, which included four career panels, which highlighted professional paths for different majors, and eight alumni spotlights during the term. Key chapter events included hosting a barbecue during homecoming weekend a virtual Jeopardy tournament.
Outstanding Scholastic Development Award: Xi Rho (George Washington)
Xi Rho provides course sheets that help brothers determine where they can help or be helped, study abroad resources and weekly study groups with snacks provided by the chapter's VPSA. The chapter had 38 brothers make Dean's List in the fall semester and 35 in spring. Xi Rho also earned over 30 non-Deltasig awards for its scholastic development.
Alumni Chapter Awards
Outstanding Alumni Chapter: Atlanta
The chapter stages four key annual events: an August picnic, a Founders' Day gathering, a holiday party, and an Alumni Day reception. Approximately 90% of chapter members attended at least one of the events, and Atlanta Deltasigs engaged seven area collegiate chapters and attended pledging ceremonies, meetings, game nights and other events. The chapter donated to each collegiate chapter in their region and paid for one delegate's LEAD Provincial Conference registration. The chapter raised more than $5,000 on Alumni Day, tops among alumni chapters.
Most Improved Chapter: Denver
The chapter eagerly embraced social activities to reconnect after a lengthy COVID-induced absence, with events that ranged from wilderness hikes to art gallery visits. Community service was also a key piece of chapter involvement, as Denver alumni staged two in-person volunteer events in partnership with a local parks and recreation group.
Outstanding Professional Activities Award: Cincinnati
The Cincinnati Alumni Chapter held its annual Founders' Day event at the Central Office that included five collegiate chapters and staged a webinar about the job search process, and another about DEI. The chapter partnered with Alpha Upsilon at Miami-Ohio in staging the first post-COVID Michael Hayes Memorial 5K Race, which raises funds to provide scholarships for students with terminal illnesses.
Outstanding Service Award: Kansas City
The Kansas City Alumni Chapter supported their local Ronald McDonald Houses by assembling snack bags for families staying there and helped a local Deltasig with donations of shoes to help a microbusiness in a developing country. The chapter also enrolled in an Adopt-a-Street program and committed with two local Deltasig collegiate chapters to keep a street near both campuses clean for two years.
Outstanding Collegiate Relations Award: Cincinnati
The chapter has six members who serve or have served as District Director and provided five educational webinars throughout the year. Chapter members attended local chapter initiations, and, when they discovered that a brother from abroad would have no family on hand for graduation, organized a group to celebrate with the brother. They also arranged a video call so the brother could celebrate virtually with family.
Delta Sigma Pi offers its thanks to the National Awards Committee for their efforts in determining the winners. They include Kayleigh Lot, the National Scholastic Development and Awards Chair; and committee members Corie McCreary Mowery, Northeastern Province; Braden Sim, North Central Province; Nichelle Dawkins, South Central Province; Shane Borden, Southern Province; and Aaron Rivera, Western Province.
To watch presentations of the Regional and Provincial Award winners, click here.