The Deltasig Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to a member deemed to exemplify the spirit of Delta Sigma Pi by their lifetime of service, support, or brotherhood, and Fraternity, business and civic involvement.
Bill was initiated into Delta Sigma Chapter at Loyola Marymount (CA) in 1973 where his decorated 49 year long Deltasig service career began at the chapter level in several roles including treasurer, Chapter Efficiency Index chair (now VPCO), parliamentarian and chapter advisor. Brother Kinsella served as Grand President from 1989 until 1993, but also served on a national level in countless capacities including as District Director in the South Pacific Region, South Pacific Regional Director, Western Provincial Vice President, Past Grand President, Leadership Foundation Trustee Emeritus, South Pacific Regional Awards Committee member, Leadership Foundation Finance Committee member and Leadership Foundation Investment Subcommittee member. He was honored as the Fraternity National District Director of the Year in 1983. Bill also served as GCC Chancellor at the 2022 Grand Chapter Congress and is slated to do the same this year.
Since meeting his wife Janet at a Deltasig event during his days at LMU, Bill has remained committed to attending many events on the national level—including 22 Grand Chapter Congresses, nearly 20 other national events, and countless alumni gatherings over the years.
Brother Kinsella has spent his impressive professional career in several different capacities. As a highly skilled CPA, he spent a combined 18 years working for accounting firms Arthur Young and Coopers & Lybrand. He has also served on college campuses – as senior executive director of gift policy at UCLA since 1993 and teaching accounting and tax as an adjunct professor at Loyola Marymount since 1978. Bill has volunteered as a Little League baseball and softball umpire for several years, calling the 2015 Little League Softball World Series.
We are so proud to have Bill as our 2023 Lifetime Achievement Recipient. He will be honored at the 55th Grand Chapter Congress in Houston during the Awards & Recognition Banquet on August 19.